ADR 13: Webinar

Date: June 29, 2023 By: Roland Berger
  • Customer interest
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  • Global
ADR-13 Webinar

ADR 13 is out now and a return to stability is the key takeaway!

In our webinar, which took place on Thursday, 29,06. Stefan Riederle (Partner at Roland Berger) presented the latest findings on the most recent ADR issue.

The latest edition of the Automotive Disruption Radar, which was again topped by Singapore, China and the Netherlands, also shows that the race for electric and digital dominance continues to hot up, with traditional OEMs piling the pressure on new players. Therefore, the ADR13 sets a special focus on Functions on Demand (FoD). In a dedicated case study, we explore opportunities for OEMs but also how consumers are affected by FoDs.

In case you missed out on the webinar or want to have another look at the presentation you can download the document here!

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