Steering through the semiconductor crisis

The global semiconductor shortage that has gripped the automotive sector and many other industries since 2020 is likely to last for several years in older technology nodes. So, what can the automotive industry do to address the current crisis and protect against a future one?

ADR Survey Insights: Customer View on AV

58% of people think Level 4/5 vehicles will be on the roads by 2030 but 73% think their country is not preparing well enough for autonomous driving. Find out why people think so and how many people would be ready to drive in an autonomous vehicle.

The Car as an Energy Storage System

electric cars can help to stabilize the power grid by acting as temporary energy storage facilities. Over the past ten years, more than 50 pilot projects of different sizes involving bidirectional charging have been successfully completed in locations all over the world.

Typology of attractive charging locations

The charging market in Germany grows rapidly, with AC chargers still being the dominant solution with a share of 85% but high power charging catching up due to high growth rates. This CHARGING RADAR Insight takes a closer look at the location of charging stations and which power types and power levels are suitable for … Continued

Progress in Battery Technology versus Platform Development

In this article, fka discusses current technological developments at the cell level and takes a look at existing safety risks and how these can be controlled. In the next step, impacts on battery housing development and cell integration are examined, to conclude with an outlook on consequences for vehicle platform development.

5G – The New Gold Standard?

High-quality data that will allow for the establishment of lucrative business models in the field of mobility are becoming increasingly important within the automotive industry. But the demand for data by the systems integrated into vehicles is presenting an unprecedented challenge for the infrastructure. All the industry’s hopes are pinned on efficient data transfer solutions. … Continued

A like for like comparison between automakers on their carbon emissions

The automotive sector has a crucial role to play in advancing the transition to a low carbon economy. Carbometrix tracks this transition and has computed the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and carbon performance of the 48 largest global auto manufacturers worldwide, representing 99% of passenger cars sales. There are massive differences between automotive manufacturers. Read … Continued

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