ADR Survey Insights: EV criteria

More and more people consider buying an electric car. What are the main reasons for wanting to buy an EV? And what are the biggest challenges EVs need to overcome? In this ADR Survey Insight we recapitulate the main results from our last ADR #9 survey regarding electrification.

ADR Survey Insights: COVID and Car Purchasing

COVID has impacted the way people buy cars. Due to lock down and the fear of the pandemic, many people stayed home while the importance of a private car increased. In this ADR Survey Insight we recapitulate how COVID affected the mobility behavior.

Decarbonizing transportation

The transportation and logistics sector is facing increased pressure to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions. Reducing CO2 emissions and environmental impact in this carbon-intensive industry is not just important in order to comply with regulatory targets and achieve global climate goals. Climate Action is a clear opportunity. Check out this article to see why.

Meet the Automotive Disruptors #1: Jack Cheng, CEO of the MIH Open Platform Alliance

We start our new series “Meet the Automotive Disruptors”, with Jack Cheng, CEO of the MIH Alliance, to learn more about this new partnership’s motivation, current status and vision. The Taiwanese contract manufacturing giant, famous for manufacturing Apple’s iPhone, launched the MIH Open Platform Alliance and is transferring the open source approach from tech to … Continued

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